ДомНовостиWhat are the precautions for using lithium battery chargers?

What are the precautions for using lithium battery chargers?



In fact, electric vehicle chargers are not universal in theory. This is the same as the principle of mobile phone chargers. It mainly depends on whether the voltage and current are consistent. Generally, chargers of the same brand are more likely to be universal, but there are corresponding precautions when using зарядные устройства для литиевых батарей to avoid pitfalls. There are mainly the following directions:

1) Confirm the status of the charger
Before charging the lithium-ion battery, you must first confirm whether the status of the lithium battery charger is normal. To judge whether the charger is good or bad, you can connect the charger to 220V AC and check whether the green light is on. The green light is always on, indicating that it is normal. The rest (the light is off, the light flashes, the red light is on, etc.) indicates that the charger is damaged.

Tips: Do not use the damaged charger. It is recommended to replace it as soon as possible.

2) Chargers cannot be mixed
Lead-acid battery and lithium-ion battery chargers cannot be mixed for the following reasons:

1.The materials of lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid batteries are inconsistent, so they cannot be used.

2.Lead-acid battery chargers are generally set to two-stage or three-stage charging mode, and the voltage levels of lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries are not matched.

3.Fast charging stations are only suitable for lead-acid batteries, not lithium batteries.

    Tips: If you use a lead-acid charger to charge a lithium battery, it will cause the lithium battery to overcharge, which is not good for the lithium battery. At the least, the battery life will end early, and at the worst, it will cause a safety accident.

    3) Precautions for using the charger

    1.The charging voltage and current of the lithium battery charger must be consistent with the electric vehicle. Do not use a 60V battery charger to charge a 48V battery;

    2.When charging, pay attention to plug the battery charging port first, and then plug the power plug;

    3.When charging, the charger should show a red light. After fully charged, the green light is on. If the charging port is properly plugged in and the green light is always on, find out the reason for not charging;

    4.If it is not used for a long time, it should be fully charged, turn off the main switch under the seat and put it indoors or in a cool and dry place;

    5.It is strictly forbidden to disassemble and repair the lithium battery charger privately, because there is a risk of electric shock due to high voltage inside, especially when the hands are wet;

    6.It cannot be used for charging near flammable and explosive gases or items that are prone to fire;

    7.When charging, the charger will generate heat and should be used in a ventilated place as much as possible. It should not be placed under the seat of the electric vehicle for charging; it should not be carried with the vehicle to prevent damage to the charger due to long-term bumps;

    8.If the charger is found to be abnormal during charging, the power plug should be unplugged immediately and sent to the purchase place to find out the reason.

    Our company is a leading provider of lithium battery chargers,зарядное устройство для аккумулятора электромобиля. We can meet various requirements from different types of customers. We welcome you to our factory for visiting and business negotiation.

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